Nancy L. Prenevost
Vice President, Oxford Properties Group Inc.
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Legal
Year: 2014
Magic Moment: I received a scholarship to McGill University leaving a small town in BC to move to Montreal where I knew no one and had no contacts. I jumped into university life, made friends, took on leadership roles in residence life and never looked back.
Key Influence: My Mother – Do more than what is asked of you, take advantage of all opportunities, be generous to others, you can do whatever you set your mind to.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: We need to embrace global influences in architecture, planning and business. Innovation and speed are lacking in our overall approach to city building. Of course, diversity is a major contributor to change and we need to have more diverse views and approaches.
Secret Talent: I have the best iPod playlists, by genre, generation and mix of music – clearly I missed my calling as a disk jockey.
On Championing Others… I am an outspoken critic of our lack of women in commercial real estate and the need to take down built- in barriers that impede progress. I mentor young women and men and encourage open dialogue about the benefit of diversity of thought and work styles.
One word that captures you: Authentic