LoriAnn Girvan
Principal, LoriAnn Girvan Advisors
Sector: Public Sector
Discipline: Health/Community Services
Year: 2019
Magic Moment: In 2004, after a midcareer shift that led me to do an urban planning Masters, I took a risk to apply for a national urban development fellowship in the US -I was selected as one of 8 Center for Urban Redevelopent Excellence Fellows – it blended mentorship, training, visits and a full-time, not super well paid, in the trenches job developing mixed income supportive housing in NYC for Breaking Ground. I was able to create a strategy to go national that was the foundation of a new organization, Community Solutions.
Key Influence: Rosanne Haggerty Her can-do passion for ending homelessness – deploy all of the problem-solving tools at your disposal
Margie Zeidler 401 Richmond is magical and infused with good design -new ideas need old building but also bold generosity!
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: We need to up our game on integrating housing choices into development at all scales. We need to create models that build equity and assets for communities and the nonprofits that serve them. We really need to address preservation of rental housing that is affordable and is being purchased to convert to market. An acquisition fund for land and building purchase could help address all 3 of the above.
Secret Talent: Well, I spring my secret talent out for dares and parties so keeping it secret. But my French is pretty darn good and I sing an annual ditty with my partner for a holiday video for friends and family. Not yet viral, though.
On Championing Others…I am always eager to learn and share what I have learned – whether through speaking at formal events, through mentorship of interns and student groups, or the coffees and conversations with people dipping their toes into real estate for the first time. I am also a champion that nonprofits are entrepreneurial, knowledgeable and sophisticated real estate practitioners who can work at scale!
One word that captures you: Goofy