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Leslie Woo

Chief Executive Officer, CivicAction and CivicAction Leadership Foundation

Sector: Public Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2014

Leslie Woo

Chief Executive Officer, CivicAction and CivicAction Leadership Foundation

Magic Moment: Being named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women, and sharing the stage with those other amazing 99 women. It gave me the confidence to know that I had an important role to play as a coach, mentor and champion for other women.

Key Influence: David Crombie, former City Mayor – The importance of celebrating small successes and always looking for the positive opportunity adversity can create.

My Grandmother who lived to 94 – The importance of education and continuous learning, good manners, hospitality and a good meal can take you a long way.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Building cities that enable collective action around shared interests, purposes and values, for government, commercial for-profit actors and civil society. Enhancing the participation of communities in the provision of services and in policy decision-making to allow all communities access to economic prosperity, higher quality of life and healthy living.

Secret Talent: Hobby home renovating and interior design (it’s my architectural training).

On Championing Others…

  • Mentoring other men and women within my organization and industry networks,
  • Using speaking engagements and publications as an opportunity to be a good role model (e.g.https://uwaterloo.ca/magazine/fall-2015/last-word/i-cant-see-her)
  • More pro-actively promoting and connecting women to nurture and expand the network that is the “sisterhood”

One word that captures you: Fearless