Hillary Marshall
Group Head, Communications & Public Affairs, Canada Infrastructure Bank
Sector: Public Sector
Discipline: Finance
Year: 2018
Magic Moment: I have worked in politics, public affairs and communications for 25 years, tackling a lot of big, complex stakeholder issues over that period. In 2013, I was offered the opportunity to work with Waterfront Toronto and it was there that I came to understand how important land use planning and effective public consultation are to city building. Understanding how to engage with stakeholders in supporting a strategic plan, but also how to manage the politics is something I really enjoy.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: The big challenge for any city, including ours, is how to harness and manage the growth within the urban context. As more than half of the world’s population comes to live in urban areas, how do we not only adapt and plan our infrastructure to meet their needs, but also engage them in a dialogue on how to support the growth.
On Championing Others… Two things: always ask yourself if you’ve brought other ideas and views to the table in developing and plan. For me, that means getting people at all ages and stages, and walks
Secret Talent: I don’t think it’s a secret to those who know me, but I am an extremely positive person. I believe there’s a solution to every situation: I believe that we’re all equal when it comes to ideas and passion to create shared benefits; and I believe that there’s strength in that.
One word that captures you: Approachable