Heather McGregor
Chief Executive Officer, YWCA
Sector: Non-Profit Sector
Discipline: Health/Community Services
Year: 2015
Magic Moment: I have been at the YWCA for 20 years and during that time we have been changed from a small organization struggling financially into a well-known and thriving force for the most disadvantaged women and girls in the community. I convinced my Board of Directors to invest in the building of admin infrastructure from a small reserve in order to expand creative coming programming.
Key Influence: Coming from a relatively privileged background I was greatly influenced by the Faulkner novel The Grapes of Wrath and the plight of those characters. I take very seriously the command “to love one another”. I try to treat all as individuals deserving of respect and dignity.
Secret Talent: I gobble down mystery novels as a very successful method of relaxing.
On Championing Others… As I work for the YWCA, my main mission is to help transform the lives of disadvantaged women and girls in our community. My organization has a range of direct service programs – housing, shelters, employment and training, and leadership programs for girls. We also advocate for women and girls.
One word that captures you: Entrepreneurial