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Heather MacDonald

Executive Lead, Burlington Land Partnership, City of Burlington

Sector: Public Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2015

Heather MacDonald

Executive Lead, Burlington Land Partnership, City of Burlington

Magic Moment: I worked at the City of Mississauga in 11 different positions. Towards the end, I was working on creating an affordable housing strategy and the cards were stacked against me. I was able to overcome the naysayers and understand that what I wanted vs what was possible, at that time. I felt I really made a difference.

Key Influence: City Manager, Mississauga, Doug Lychak – He was a true visionary. He taught me to think big and be creative and innovative, and to challenge people to reach.

Ed Sajecki – He taught me the importance of relationship building and having good working relationships.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: The biggest challenge is to implement what we have committed to within the Growth Plan: Making walkable and transit oriented communities. In Brampton, we are in a great position. We are protecting the Greenfields and engaged in densification and growth. We work with developers to ensure this balance is continued. I find this to be very critical to good design.

Secret Talent: The game of golf, the less I practice the better I am.

On Championing Others… I am a mentor. I challenge my own staff to reach their full potential, and I am there to support them. I think it is about coaching and mentoring. Succession planning is key for me.

One word that captures you: Integrity