Dana Anderson
Partner, MHBC Planning
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2018
Magic Moment: While there have been several great moments in my career to reflect on, the ones that count the most are the ones where I persevered through the difficult times and got back up when knocked down – to the applause of my peers.
Key Influence:
Robert Lehman: Bob always reminded me to maintain a balanced approach to problem solving – no idea is ever wrong and no answer is ever the only one
My Mother: Work hard and always keep learning.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: I think our biggest challenge is managing growth and in doing so changing the way the public thinks about growth in our cities. We need to do more to instil positive views towards change and shape a more positive public engagement.
On Championing Others… I continue to mentor young men and women both through my work and through teaching. Sharing knowledge and teaching them from my experience. I also want to continue to learn from them.
Secret Talent: I love fly fishing.
One word that captures you: Committed.