Cynthia Wong
Vice President, CBRE
Sector: Private Sector
Year: 2019
Magic Moment: Acceptance to Ivey Business School – hard work, dream big and reach the goals! An interview practice on Ivey Campus in 1985 turned into my love for real estate.
Key Influence: My Dad Survival – swam from China to Hong Kong during war in his teen with $3 in the pocket; Eager to learn – attended English evening school; an Entrepreneur Fortunate to be among high achievers and wisdom -Ivey classmates and High net worth Asian clients, friends and family hardworking, inspirational, keep challenging and striving for personal best, love, supportive
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: AI & Deep Learning
Embrace and approach with small pilots/testing and trials
Secret Talent: Flower arrangements & Karaoke singer
On Championing Others… Accept intern(s) and collaborate with younger industry professionals
One word that captures you: Optimistic