Anne McIIroy
Principal, Brook McIIroy
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2014
Magic Moment: My eldest brother in his third year of architecture at U of T, advised me to study architecture as I approached the end of a degree in Fine Art. He said that if I was anything like our mother, I would not support myself comfortably as an artist. I applied, and my friend Atom Egoyan photographed my portfolio of art work. He made the work look far more beautiful than it was.
Key Influence: My Parents – My mother was strong and complex. My father was even, determined and very kind. My brilliant partners – My husband Bob Davies encourages me to strive and be myself. Cal Brook’s creative intelligence is the bedrock of our business partnership.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Architectural excellence that gives power to public space is a big challenge. Toronto must continue to promote midrise buildings on its Avenues. This building form achieves what tall buildings often don’t – human scale and density that promotes transit, cycling and wide tree-lined boulevards. Midrise buildings are the fabric of the some of the most successful cities worldwide
Secret Talent: Drawing with my best friend Sandy every Thursday night.
On Championing Others… Over nearly twenty years, our practice has become a wonderful place to engage with and encourage young professionals. They are smart, energetic and dedicated, and like working together. I love working with students and am constantly reminded that there’s no finish line for learning
One word that captures you: Thoughtful