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Alison MacIntosh

Partner, Real Property Solutions

Sector: Private Sector
Year: 2017

Alison MacIntosh

Partner, Real Property Solutions

Magic Moment: My magic moments come from my clients. When they tell me how grateful they are for the work I’ve done, I feel wonderful!

Key Influence: My very first boos was the most difficult person I’ve ever worked with. It was a highly unpleasant experience! But once I left her, I realized how much she had taught me about hard work and persistence through difficulties.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Public transit is the biggest challenge facing the GTA. The productivity and liveability of our entire region is suffering due to the lack of connectivity and bandwidth in our public transit systems.

Secret Talent: I sing in a concert choir.

On Championing Others… I really enjoy working with young people in the industry, particularly young women, and watching them grow in strength and knowledge.

One word that captures you: Strong.