Norma Moores
Associate - Senior Transportation Engineer, IBI Group
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2019
Magic Moment: Since the late 1980’s, I dreamed of helping communities become more bicycle and pedestrian friendly through my work in transportation planning and design. More than two decades later, two cycle track projects opened: one in Hamilton (Cannon Street) and one in Toronto (Richmond and Adelaide Streets). They represented not only years of learning and working at bikeway planning and design, but also an evolution of philosophy about cycling facilities. Early in my career, we tried to “accommodate” cyclists already comfortable cycling in traffic. This approach has evolved to designing cycling facilities for people of “all ages and abilities”. This was a proud and reflective moment for me. Have career dreams but know that they take time to nurture and grow.
Key Influence: Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
(APBP) I attribute my professional growth to Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, which formed in 1994 as a community of practitioners working to create more walkable, bikeable places. I joined in 1996. I soon developed personal connections with professionals working on similar goals across Canada and the US. It was like I found my professional “home”.
Brian Hollingworth My transition from working on cycling and walking projects as just part of my overall transportation projects portfolio transitioned to full-time dedication to active transportation through the leadership and vision of Brian Hollingworth, Director, IBI Group (now Director, Transportation Planning and Parking, City of Hamilton). I knew when we met that we shared the same perspective on the importance of walking and cycling in making communities more livable. He walked the talk, recognized my dedication to the profession, and asked me to join IBI Group. He continues to be a leader, mentor, collaborator and friend.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: In my professional area of expertise, it will be important for us to understand transportation equity in evaluating project impacts and trade-offs. Accessible, affordable transportation is critical to urban and rural communities for travel to obtain better jobs, secure educational opportunities and access quality health care. We bring our own unconscious bias to specific projects. We need to pursue a better understanding of transportation equity and recognize its importance.
Secret Talent: I could roll a kayak in whitewater! It took me 8 years to learn how to do it. This came in handy when I accidentally flipped my kayak upside-down in the Rouge River just meters above a waterfall. Knowing which side is up, and how to get there, is important!
On Championing Others…As a former Director of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), we set up a mentorship program pairing
“elders” with young professionals. I also work within our Active Transportation Team at IBI Group to support a collaborative approach to project solutions. I encourage my team to find a balanced approach to work and life experiences, achieving happiness in everyday life
One word that captures you: Dedicated