Monika Jaroszonek
Managing Director, Planning & Housing Division, Esri Canada
Sector: Private Sector
Year: 2020
Magic Moment: A major defining moment in my life was making the decision to leave the security of a career that I really enjoyed to strike out on my own. I wasn’t exactly sure where that decision was going to take me and I knew there was significant risk of failure, but I was energized by the thought of creating something absolutely unique and based on my passions and professional experience to date.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: To our credit, our city-region has been a magnet for people from all over the world and we have a diverse economy, including a world class tech sector. We have seen decreasing housing affordability and increasing inequality as major challenges brought to the forefront as a result of the current crisis. As an industry – we need to continue to bring more housing supply to market but also provide a variety of housing options to allow for people at a variety of price points, ages and demographics to be able to live within vibrant neighbourhoods.
Secret Talent: speed reading!
On Championing Others… As we are building a technology company in the city building space, I am very much aware of the need for diverse voices at the table. Our team has an incredible variety of professional and life experiences behind them and we have 50% gender representation both throughout the staff and in senior management. I also hear from young professionals starting their career paths and from people who are contemplating a mid-life career shift – I set aside some time every month to connect with them and share my story to give them an alternate narrative they might not have considered.
One word that captures you: Tenacious – I am remarkably determined and will come at a problem from a variety of angles until it can be resolved.