Jeanhy Shim
Founder & CEO, Crosswalk Communities
Sector: Real Estate Development
Discipline: Affordable Housing Developer
Year: 2015
Magic Moment: My career so far has been shaped and inspired by a long string of ‘proud and magic moments’. I have approached it as a real ‘journey’ of discovery, so I have always remained opened to all of its unexpected and wonderful possibilities and opportunities. However, one particularly ‘magic moment’ was becoming a mother, and transitioning to being both a career woman and a busy mom.
Key Influence: Grace Viera – A positive, confident and dynamic role model who inspired me, at the age of 12, to not be afraid to ‘step up’ in my school, community and personal life.
Peter Gilgan – An industry and community leader and innovator who taught me that ‘giving back’ is also a responsibility of leadership, and inspired my CDC project.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: In my opinion, we need long-term investment in 4 key infrastructure areas: Physical infrastructure (transit, roads, buildings, schools, etc); Human infrastructure (daycares, education, health, immigrant support, etc); Social infrastructure (social programs, wellness, inclusiveness, etc); and Creative infrastructure (culture of innovation, etc). We need to expect, demand and support real leadership.
On Championing Others… Provide management level opportunities to aspiring young men/women, while also committing to patiently nurture/guide them and accept that ‘mistakes’ are part of the growth process. Participate in formal mentoring programs (ULI, NAIOP). Encourage men/women to step up through volunteering.
One word that captures you: Dynamic.