Ene Underwood
Chief Executive Officer, Habitat For Humanity
Sector: Non-Profit Sector
Discipline: Development
Year: 2016
Magic Moment: No question that a “magic moment” was my 50th birthday when the phone rang and I learned that I had been the successful candidate in the search for my current job at Habitat for Humanity. Not only did it open the door to a great organization with a great mission, but also to the world of real estate development and city building.
Key Influence: Toni Rossi (WLI Champion 2014) – Never be afraid to take a risk and to put yourself out there.
Rick Lint (former partner at McKinsey) – Believe in yourself. Embrace your fear. Breathe. Know that turbulence and hurdles are part of the process and that “this too shall pass”.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Inclusionary zoning – and more broadly, ensuring a vibrant city with mixed income neighbourhoods – is a key challenge and a complicated one. Thoughtful attention is required to how we will ensure new affordable units – both ownership and rental – remain affordable in the long-run. This takes us into more complex discussions around property taxes, condominium legislation, and other frontiers.
Secret Talent: I drive a manual transmission (something that apparently only 4% of new car buyers now do!)
On Championing Others… I try to focus on two strategies: Providing opportunities for talented and ambitious individuals to test their mettle and shine; and then, finding ways to recognize and celebrate those achievements so that others are similarly energized and inspired.
One word that captures you: Passionate.