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Emma West

Partner, Bousfields Inc.

Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2014

Emma West

Partner, Bousfields Inc.

Magic Moment: Many of the best moments in my journey have come through collaborations and connections, whether it was working on an important project together, shaping the growth of a company, mentoring younger staff, etc.

Key Influence: My parents – Growing up, work was often discussed at home. From an early age it taught me there was more to work than the work itself. It is about the people.

So many other wonderful colleagues – My mentors have taught me about fairness, respect, inclusivity and patience but also that you just need to step up, get in there and go for it!

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Diversity is one of the greatest strengths of our region but we need to do better in terms of reflecting that diversity in the leadership within the community, and within our industry. Decisions about how our region will grow will require strong leaders and it will be important for these people to reflect the diversity of the community.

On Championing Others… I make myself available to formally (through ULI and OPPI) and informally mentor our young leaders. I also enjoy helping to make introductions and connections that contribute to the success of those people being connected. Being a part of the WLI Committee has provided a forum to be a champion.

One word that captures you: Dedicated