Emily Reisman
Partner, Urban Strategies, Inc.
Year: 2019
Magic Moment: I had the privilege of working with the City of Vaughan to prepare their new Official Plan in conformity to the 2006 Growth Plan. The new OP, approved in 2010, was the first comprehensive city-wide official plan and ushered in a new era of growth for Vaughan with a focus on more urban forms. Now, nearly a decade later, it is exciting to see how the city is transforming as a result of those policies.
Key Influence: Andrea Gabor (WLI Champion) carried out her planning practice with a quiet passion for city building and a deep regard for those she worked with. My Mom My mom ran her own business for decades. I am amazed by her resiliency – long before that came a buzz word. She was able to adapt her business several times to meet the changing needs of her clients. If it meant she had to learn something new virtually overnight, that was no barrier. I try to apply her can-do approach to the new challenges I face every day.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: As we grow denser and more efficiently we need to focus on livability and how families can thrive in our vertical communities. High rise family living is a reality in major cities around the world and yet the average unit size in the city has decreased by 20% over the last decades. Size matters!
Secret Talent: I can still recite most of the lines from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
On Championing Others…I didn’t know planning existed as a career when I was in high school so I take any opportunity I can to talk about planning and development to young people. I have had great fun participating in the ULI Urban Plan program in schools across the city
One word that captures you: Thorough