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Eileen P. K. Costello

Partner, Aird & Berlis LLP

Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Legal
Year: 2015

Eileen P. K. Costello

Partner, Aird & Berlis LLP

Magic Moment: The first really successful (i.e. case making) cross of a senior planner whom I respected (and feared) a great deal. Hearing my 4 year old explain to friends that I had won a “big case” and prevented “some guy from putting a big hole in his farm and wrecking it for the animals” (it was a quarry file and there were no animals but he got the result right!)

Key Influence: Jane Pepino – To know the file inside/out; to understand what is really important to the other side; to never lose yourself in the case; to never ever back down.

My Dad – To take pride in what you help to build; to appreciate the heritage buildings all around us; to treat everyone with respect; to bring the coffee.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Seriously examining the ward system in our urban municipalities and the need for a more representative regional governance structure. To understand that heritage designation is not and should not be a tool to “control development” and to appreciate the real benefits of including heritage resources, meaningfully, in redevelopment projects.

On Championing Others… By encouraging them to find their own style and voice – mimicry may be flattery (to some) but being someone else is no way to be successful and happy.

One word that captures you: Committed