Anne Milchberg
Principal, Planning Intelligence
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2015
Magic Moment: In July, 2010, the Executive Committee of the City of Toronto and the entire public gallery gave me and my staff a standing ovation for our accomplishments on the St. Lawrence Market North Development. I was told that Exec had never bestowed such an honour on its staff before. It was a very big deal and a deep honour for me personally.
Key Influence: My dad, may he rest in peace, was an incredibly creative and industrious man who helped shape my love for architecture, planning and development. The best advice he ever gave me was to stay clear of mediocrity – if I was going to do something, I needed to do it well, full stop.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: We’re on the cusp of a massive demographic shift, a ‘grey’ shift, which we haven’t planned for. What will we be doing to meet the housing needs of an aging population? What will become of the housing that we are compelled to move out of? What impact will the retired and aging population have on the real estate market in the GTA, and on the economy generally?
Secret Talent: I have the ability to pull off elaborate, memorable practical jokes without ever being found out.
On Championing Others… I champion others in the industry through kindness, interest, appreciation and respect, and by directly mentoring young planners and newcomers to Canada. Since 2003, I’ve mentored around 40 planning interns.
One word that captures you: Tenacious