Angela Iannuzziello
Director Board Of Directors, CIBPA Toronto
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2015
Magic Moment: There have been a number of magic moments in my career. When I started my own company because I saw a gap in consulting services and persevered in spite of prevailing negative wisdom. When I realized the advocacy work I was doing for my brother with developmental disabilities, developed unique qualities/perspectives that set me apart in my transit/transportation profession.
Key Influence: Grade 13 Math teacher – He introduced me to engineering and showed me how to be persistent and become the first young lady in my school to graduate from engineering.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: The influence of technology driven millennials with sustainable, balanced lifestyle, integrating with the community infrastructure we have been building.
Secret Talent: Finding the thread in a complex convoluted situation that helps us move forward
On Championing Others… There are numerous women and men that I mentor informally. I encourage those whom I work with to take the center stage and be the lead, and I take pride in being the wind beneath their wings. I also speak at events that help tell my story and show how others can succeed.
One word that captures you: Passionate