Aimee Powell
Chief Planning Officer, Powell Planning & Associates
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2023
Magic Moment: Creating Powell Planning & Associates has been the boldest and most rewarding move of my career. Through creating a company that focuses on helping people, early career planners through mentorship and landowners through their applications, navigate through the land use planning process has been a full-circle, humbling and fulfilling chapter. There have been many ‘magic moments’ that have resulted, so I reflect back on the decision that created, and will continue to create, ‘magic moments’ and valuable opportunities.
Key Influence:
Steven Webber: Steven was one of my Professors at TMU who then became a colleague and is now as a fellow Principal Consultant. Steven is approachable, honest, supportive, dedicated and has been very positive throughout my planning career as a student and most recently as a planning professional. His investment in me and my career’s success has been remarkable, kind and motivational. True success will result when I can be to others, what Steven has been to me in my career.
Susan Wiggins: As OPPI’s current Executive Director, Susan is an unstoppable change agent who embodies the necessity to objectively evaluate operations and establish solutions that truly meet the needs of those that she serves through her admirable skillset. From Susan, I have learned to be bold yet well understood. She has supported me in being a leader in a space where it has been uncommon for women who look like me, to be one. She has empowered me to take on new opportunities/exposure and to cease the moment of the progression that our Industry is experiencing.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: The delivery of affordable and attainable housing remains a challenge industry-wide. The issue is growing and the solutions are not meeting the magnitude of the crisis. This issue also exists in Rural areas where there is a lack of data and services to improve housing availability/inventory. Urban areas are getting more support and traction on interventions, but policy from all levels of government require more cohesion. There are willing stakeholders looking to deliver the necessary housing, but the process has to be more accessible and use-friendly, to large and small providers.
On Championing Others…: I champion those in the industry through offering mentorship and career support, especially for racialized early career planners. I want them to know that there are others like them that have walked the journey they are embarking on and that they will be supported through open and honest conversations with dedication.
Secret Talent: I can ‘Dad Joke’ with the best of them.
One word that captures you: Motivated. I love and get life from being presented a challenge and working through it to its success. Then I look for the next challenge and the process repeats. I am constantly looking to grow and better myself in multiple facets of life and my career.