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Tonya Surman

Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Social Innovation

Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Education
Year: 2015

Tonya Surman

Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Social Innovation

Magic Moment: The creation of the Community Bond, our innovation in Social Finance, which enabled us to purchase our first building, CSI Annex. This was an amazing “magic moment” in my journey as CEO of the Centre for Social Innovation and has certainly shaped our ability to grow and become home to even more Social Innovators over the years.

Key Influence: Margie Zeidler (of Urbanspace Property Group) – Margie showed me the potential of Real Estate and how space can be used to foster community in the most beautiful way.

Mary Rowe (VP & Managing Director, Municipal Art Society of NY) – Mary introduced me to Jane Jacobs and taught me the power of old buildings.

Secret Talent: Hula Hooping

One word that captures you: Provocateur