Sue MacKay
Senior Marketing Communications Executive, Self Employed
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Development
Year: 2014
Magic Moment: “Intrawest” – it’s hard to put your finger on one exact moment, there truly were so many from the over-the-top launches, launch parties, marketing campaigns, sales schools and a trademarked “branded way of selling”. Intrawest hired the right people, invested in the right tools and valued the best practices, fostering a powerful culture of loyalty. This passion was evident in the success of the company who owned and operated resorts around the globe and truly wrote the script for building the “Ultimate Places for People to Play”.
Key Influence: Back in the early 2000’s, Steve and Debbie Lafave (siblings) lived almost parallel lives in real estate for the same company but in different locations. At Intrawest, I had the fortunate opportunity to work directly under both of their leadership at various stages of my career. Both are passionate, magnetic and above all fantastic leaders. Neither got bogged down by the details, both cared deeply about relationships and valued a solid team who not only worked hard but played hard too.
Secret Talent: Sanity Saver – I have two crazy kids, a dog and a busy household so my saver is 5am workouts with a bunch of great girlfriends. This is my time and my sanity and it never fails to start my day out right.
On Championing Others… A couple lessons that I’ve learned over the years that I try to always embrace:
- Move out of your comfort zone, do things that make you nervous, tackle big projects, speak and present in front of others as much as possible.
- Be strategic, plan and prepare way more than you think is necessary.
- Work from Yes to No – meaning, don’t shoot down an idea, always start from yes, assume feasibility and then if it’s really not possible then it’s a no but always start out with “yes”.
One word that captures you: Passionate/Authentic