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Salima Rawji

President and Chief Executive Officer, York University Development Corporation

Sector: Public Sector
Discipline: Development
Year: 2014

Salima Rawji

President and Chief Executive Officer, York University Development Corporation

Magic Moment: Stepping off the plane in Toronto for the very first time at age 21. I was in love with this City and knew it from the very first moment. A year later at 22, I returned suitcase in hand and have never looked back!

Key Influence: My father. His business acumen, generosity, empathy, positive attitude, and work ethic are the core of who I am today.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Our industry needs to reflect the demography and values of the region. Ultimately the bricks and mortar we build is to accommodate people, their needs and desires. Without the ability to understand the users of our product, we will have a hard time succeeding. I believe the first step in understanding each other is through collaboration. Public, private partnerships; private companies working with each other (rather than against each other) and countless other iterations in-between. The future of our industry will be about working with each other to find common success rather than forcing each other to win or lose.

Secret Talent: Tetris master.

On Championing Others… Through connection. As a connector, I am able to bring people together who would benefit from knowing, working or interacting with one another but may have not otherwise intersected. I am thoughtful about these introductions and generous with my relationships. By doing this, not only do I help two industry colleagues benefit from each other, but perhaps also inspire similar behavior in others – pushing us all further ahead than we are today.

One word that captures you: Relentless (but in a good way!)