Marcy Burchfield
Vice President, Transit Planning, Metrolinx
Sector: Non-Profit Sector
Discipline: Consultancy
Year: 2016
Magic Moment: After my graduate studies, I worked with two top economists at University of Toronto. They were looking for a research assistant with spatial analysis experience to analyze urban growth patterns across the continental US. The study took three years, and my professional proud moment was being first author on a publication of our work in the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Key Influence: Tony Coombes, Founding ED, Neptis Foundation – I worked with Tony for 13 years. He taught me that listening and asking the right questions were key to successfully managing people and projects.
Lisa Vardi, my sister – She was my role model for a woman who aimed high in her achievements and modelled how a strong, smart, and compassionate woman functions in the world.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: The biggest challenge for our region is managing our success as a desirable place to live and work. We must address the challenge of regional governance. The current model of one municipality competing for growth against another is an out-dated model. City-regions should compete against other city-regions. We need to create a new governance model of regional coordination and collaboration.
Secret Talent: I am really good at binge-watching espionage and female-centred political dramas late into the night and still able to fully-function the next day.
On Championing Others… Part of the mandate of the Neptis Foundation is education, so engaging audiences on regional planning policy is part of my job. We try to establish connections with students at universities through these events and internships at the office to mentor the next generation of planners.
One word that captures you: Analytical