Lisa Prime
Chief Planner, City of Cambridge Ontario
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2014
Magic Moment: My role in being part of leading the development of the environmental framework for the failed 2008 Olympic Bid. This work evolved into the creation of what is Waterfront Toronto today.
Key Influence: Bruce Bodden, President and CEO MMM – Passion for your project, commitment and creativity to find longevity in a job, executive carriage and charisma.
Brian Denney, CAO TRCA – Negotiation and creativity in a regulatory environment – leadership in a public agency.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Innovation and integrated systems thinking to support climate change. Collaboration with private sector Advancement in Women’s Leadership.
Secret Talent: Training with horses.
On Championing Others…
- Availability and support without being asked.
- Authenticity in relationships with others.
- Team inclusiveness and recognition through internal and external collaboration, including awards, articles, participation in formal mentoring days, and teaching.
One word that captures you: Authenticity