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Lisa Lafave

Senior Portfolio Manager, HOOPP

Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Private Equity Real Estate
Year: 2015

Lisa Lafave

Senior Portfolio Manager, HOOPP

Magic Moment: I remember just launching a new spec office development in August 2008. Then the global financial crisis hit the following month. Despite the news, we went ahead and it was the best team experience I had. Everyone knew it was going to take “herculean” efforts to get noticed. In the end, it was a huge success winning many awards. Sometimes, it takes a crisis to build the best focused team.

Key Influence: Dennis Hynes – He was one of my first bosses. He provided a runway for me and told me if I was successful, he would be successful. Mentoring matters!

Susan Wallace – Susan was a highly respected CEO of USAA. Her ease in the spotlight and her incredible network was inspiring. Always had time for everyone.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: There needs to be less territorial isolated decisions. Transit is a good example of how we need to work together as group. Otherwise, we’ll have a system that goes nowhere. Linkages between regions is key. Not just physically, but financially too.

Secret Talent: I used to write music and I have a published children’s song.

On Championing Others… I have a small team that works very closely together. I encourage them to ask questions and take on challenges. I always say, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. I also participate in many young leader initiatives as a mentor.

One word that captures you: Advocate