Leslie Gash
Executive Director, Toronto Shelter Network
Sector: Public Sector
Discipline: Development
Year: 2016
Magic Moment: After 6 months of an intensive and extensive community engagement process at Alexandra Park involving dozens of meetings, focus groups and one on one conversations, the magic moment had arrived – the residents voted overwhelmingly in favour of a full scale revitalization and launched the transformation of an 18 acre downtown community.
Key Influence: Bruce Macdougall – Former Boss – Give staff credit for the good work they do and support them when they make mistakes. Engage fully in my work to get the most out of it.
Simone Atungo – TCHC Colleague – You don’t always have to have lived experience. Being a committed and involved ally can also be important and impactful in making changes.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Infrastructure issues. Crumbling roads. Subway system that can’t keep up with the demand. Construction delays of public and private projects. Capital repair issues at Toronto Community Housing. Lack of new affordable housing. For TCHC, we need commitment from our all three levels of government.
Secret Talent: I sew my own clothes!
On Championing Others… I look for growth opportunities and paths for my staff. I praise colleagues to others. I pass on opportunities given to me to those who could gain more experience or profile. I support other people’s ideas publicly and give credit to them.
One word that captures you: Passionate