Kimberly L. Beckman
President, Development Collective
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Consultancy
Year: 2014
Magic Moment: On the day my three year old flushed my watch down the toilet because “If you don’t know what time it is, you won’t leave,” I completed a cross examination at the OMB that worked. Senior (opposing) counsel passed me a note that said “Welcome to the club – stripes earned!”
Key Influence: Diana Santo taught me how to truly evolve in a career and to seek out work that you are passionate about, balanced with a steadfast commitment to family and food.
Julia Ryan taught me that you can never prepare too much.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Transportation infrastructure and housing are key. We need to fundamentally shift funding models at all levels of government if we are going to have a fighting chance at meeting the challenges ahead.
Secret Talent: I make killer food sculptures with five year olds.
On Championing Others… I assume that everyone I come in contact with can handle the deep end. I am then there to coach, support and cheer on their successes – whether they are on my team or not.
One word that captures you: Unapologetic