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Eha Naylor

Partner, Dillon Consulting Limited

Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2016

Eha Naylor

Partner, Dillon Consulting Limited

Magic Moment: Being acknowledged by your peers is very special. I was recognized by the OALA with the Pinnacle Award of Excellence. It reminded me how fortunate I have been in my career to work with very talented and committed professionals.

Key Influence: Carolyn Woodland – Carolyn showed me how important it was to maintain your principles and values, particularly in challenging circumstances.

Next Big Challenge As An Industry: Climate change and water are the most difficult issues we will need to address in the future. Whether flood or drought, the impacts of severe weather will result in economic hardship, displacement of people worldwide and the loss of life during catastrophic events. We must work collectively and at every opportunity to mitigate the impacts.

Secret Talent: I can binge read fiction if I find a novel that grips me.

On Championing Others… I encourage younger professionals to channel their enthusiasm and passion into their careers and personal lives. I remind them that they have ‘one life’ and to live it fully.

One word that captures you: Optimistic