Donna Hinde
Principal, The Planning Partnership
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2015
Magic Moment: I joined Dan Leeming and Philip Weinstein to start Weinstein Leeming + Hinde in 1991, a year before the recession. We survived the recession in part by doing everything ourselves – from vacuuming the office, answering the phones, printing and binding our reports, shopping for office supplies to doing our “real work” designing new communities – still love printing and binding.
Key Influence: Bob Allsopp, DTAH – It’s not done until it’s as good as you can possibly make it – even if you THINK you are done – second, third, fourth look is never a bad thing.
Jim Balfour, Dillon (retired) – We get 90% of our work because clients want to work with us – it has nothing to do with the criteria on the consultant evaluation matrix.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: I believe in urbanism. I raised my kids at Bay and Davenport. We need to build more infill and laneway housing to give ourselves, our kids, their kids, our grandparents more options for living downtown – infilling every nook and cranny in our residential neighbourhoods. There’s got to be more options than boxes in the sky – small affordable ground contact housing.
Secret Talent: Shopper for bargains.
On Championing Others… I try to make time – for coffee, to write reference letters, to make connections for them with colleagues.
One word that captures you: Tenacious