Audrey Jacob
Global Cities - Toronto City Executive & Places Canada Business Area Director, Arcadis
Sector: Private Sector
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2015
Magic Moment: It’s important to acknowledge those who support us in our work. I remember the first time I received a handwritten note (before email!) from a client expressing their gratitude for my work. I was blown away. Also, a few years ago I was asked to take on a role I was not ‘qualified’ for but I took the challenge and had amazing results. It is important to take a leap of faith.
Key Influence: Julia Child – She was her own woman and followed her own path! Mentors aren’t always in your field; they just need to exhibit traits that you admire.
Neal Irwin, IBI Group – Firm in his beliefs and yet diplomatic. Dedication and commitment to ensuring a job is well done.
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: We need to be aware of the consequences of our actions. I find some of the work that is being done deals with very high level issues and does not dig down deep enough to understand impact or unintended consequences. We need to educate our young professionals in the market/financial side of urban planning and development because they can mean success or failure around policy and plans.