Annely Zonena
Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives, City of Toronto
Discipline: Planning/Urban Design
Year: 2022
Magic Moment: I was touring an international delegation around Toronto – my magic moment was when I realized so many of the points of interest were projects that I had been involved with, even quite early in my career.
Key Influence: The community and team engaged with the early phases of the Regent Park Revitalization
I joined the Regent Park Revitalization at the start of construction on Phase 1. The entire experience was so immersive and transformative. There were many elements of that project that continue to shape me to this day: approaches to equitable engagement, transparency in redevelopment, understanding how to embed planning principles in development, and how to foster successful long-term commercial relationships to name a few. In particular, I have to give a shout out to Liz Root – she taught me to ‘own the critical path’ which is one of the most valuable lessons I’ve had in work…and life!
Next Big Challenge As An Industry: I think most of us share the belief that housing affordability and climate action are the most pressing issues facing city regions globally. On a more personal note, and in the face of growing economic disparities in our own city-region, I think we need to consciously make space to create places where people can feel joy in their city. Joy in the city should be universally accessible – that means designing and buildings places where people can express themselves, have fun, and feel part of the community.
Secret Talent: Comedy writer
On Championing Others… Innovation and wisdom transcend job titles and seniority. I try as much as possible to share and amplify great ideas and support implementation, especially when they come from colleagues who are just getting started with their careers.
One word that captures you: Passionate. The work we do is so important, it is impossible not to be passionate about it!